About Turkey

We wish you all a warm welcome…

Turkey is a country with so much diversity in culture, traditions, landscapes, cuisine, history, art and has boundless adventure opportunities. With its unique geographical location combined with a rich and diverse history, right in the cradle of many different civilizations, Turkey is a privileged place. It is a country located at a point where the 3 continents of the world (Asia, Africa and Europe) are closest to each other. It enchants every visitors by its breathtaking natural beauties as  PAMUKKALE which is  unique in the world and with its historical ,archeological remains and traditional hospitality. Christianty , and Islam being in the first place, it is at the same time the meeting point of numberless religions Once  a person visits  and experiences Turkey, he will not want to leave !. we are sure that you will want to discover and learn more about this beautiful country .

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Did you know that ?

  • Turkey is one of the safest countries in the world, according to comparative statistics.
  • Turkey has more ancient sites than any other country.
  • The world’s oldest known settlement is in Catalhoyuk in central Turkey, and dates back to 6,500 BC
  • The seven churches mentioned in the Book of Revelation are  all found in Turkey ;Ephesus ,Smyrna,Pergamum,Thyatira ,Sardis ,Philadelphia  and Laodicea.
  • The first coins ever minted were done so at Sardis ,the capital of the ancient kingdom of Lycia ,at the end of the seventh century B.C.
  • Two of the Seven Wonders of the Ancient World stood in Turkey-the Temple of Artemis at Ephesus and the Mausoleum of Halicarnassus in Bodrum.
  • Asklepieion was the world’s first psychiatric hospital providing cures for psychosomatic illnesses?
  • Early Christians escaping roman persecutions nearly 2000 years ago sheltered in the caves of Cappadocia in central Anatolia.
  • The of Troy , the site of ancient Trojan Wars , is located in western Turkey, where a replica of the famous Trojan Horse has become a favourite  tourist attraction .
  • Turkey has one of  the richest maritime histories among other countries . Today there are hundreds of scuba diving areas being proctected  by Turkish goverment.
  • Legend has it that Anatolia (Asia Minor ) was the location of the first beauty contest ,judged by Paris  with the goddesses Aphrodite ,Hera ,and Athena  as leading participants.
  • Since 1920s,the motto of the Turkish Republic  has been the words of its founder, Mustafa Kemal Ataturk :” Peace at home,peace in the world”
  • The word “turquoise “ comes from “Turk” meaning Turkish , and was derived from the beautiful color of the Mediterranean  Sea on the Southern Turkish coast.
  • St Nicholas known as Santa Claus today,  was born and lived in Demre (Myra ) on Turkey’s Mediterranean coast . The village  contains the famous Church of St Nicholas with the sarcophagus  believed to be his tomb.

Anatolia ‘‘the land, from where the sun rises ”

Turkey has heen called “the cradle of civilizaton” and by traveling through this historic land, tourists will discover exactly what is meant by this pharase. The world’s first town, a neolithic city at Catalhoyuk, dates back to 6,500 B.C. From the days of Catalhoyuk up to the present, Turkey boasts a rich culture that through the centuries has made a lasting impression on modern civilization. The heir to many centuries of cultures makes Turkey a paradise of information and cultural wealth. Hattis, Hittitess, Phrygians, Urartians, Lycians, Lydians, Ionians, Persians, Macedonians, Romans, Byzantines, Seljuks, and Ottomans have all made important contributions to Turkish history, and ancient sites and ruins scattered throughout the country give proof of each civilizaton’s unique distinction. Turkey also has a very fascinating recent history. Upon the decline of the Ottoman Empire,our leader, named Mustafa Kemal, who was a soilder by ocupation but in character, a great visionary, took the defeat of World War I and turned it into a shining victory by liberating Turkey of all foreign invaders. Mustafa Kemal Ataturk founded the Republic of Turkey on October 29, 1923. He led his country into peace and stability, with tremendous economic growth and complete modernization. Through decades of change and growth, Turkey till boasts this succes, living by its adopted motto of “Peace at Home, Peace in the World”.

Area: Approx 780,000 sq km (483,000 sq mi)

Population:  About 78  million 

People: Majority Turks. Minorities recognised under the Turkish Constitution: Jews, Armenians and Greeks. Other ethnic peoples include Kurds, Lazs, Circassians and Bosnians.

Religion:Although 99% of Turkish people are Muslim, Turkey is a secular state that guarantees complete freedom of worship to non-Moslems. There are adequate numbers of churches and synagogues serving their communities especially in the big cities where the majority of non-Moslems live.

Turkish cuisine:    

Gastronomes count the Turkish cuisine as one of the best of the world. It was originally based on the simple nomadic people’s traditions of Central Asia and the habits they took over from the Mediterranean countries when they finally settled in Turkey. Nutritional habits are shaped according to the prevalent cultural – geographical – ecological – economic characteristics and features and the historical process. The richness of variety Turkish cuisine possesses is due to several factors. In summary, the variety of products offered by the lands of Asia and Anatolia, interaction with numerous different cultures over a long historical process, the new tastes developed in the palace kitchens of the Seljuk and Ottoman empires have all played a part in shaping the new character of our culinary culture.

Language: Turkish (official)

Currency: Turkish Lira (TRY)

Government: Parliamentary Republic Membership of international groupings/organisations: UN, NATO, the Council of Europe, the Organisation for Security and Co-operation in Europe (OSCE), Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD), an Associate Member of the Western European Union, and a candidate for accession to the European Union (negotiations started on 3 October 2005).

Border countries: Armenia ,Azerbaijan ,Bulgaria ,Georgia ,Greece , Iran,Iraq ,Syria

Climate: Temperate; hot, dry summers with mild, wet winters; harsher in interior, subtropical rain and fog forests in northeastern mountains.

Time: GMT +2 Hours

Electricity: 220v  50Hz

International Dialing Code: +90

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